Switzerland’s future electricity system: An overview on current topics, studies and outlooks

The Swiss energy system is currently in transition towards a carbon-neutral system dominated by renewable power. This transition process requires the electrification of many sectors. While the overall objective is clear—decarbonization—the details are under discussion among policy makers and across industries and the public at large.

The objective of this webpage is to provide an overview of the current knowledge on Switzerland’s energy transition with a focus on electricity. The information provided is a synthesis of generally-agreed-upon statements, informed by an accumulation of various research results and providing important context to the energy transition and answers to some of the many questions that arise.

We provide two information packages for interested Swiss citizens, policymakers, and the press:

  1. A Q&A section providing short answers to a set of recurrent questions on the energy system, and particularly the electricity system.
  2. A more extensive summary providing a review of the current scientific findings along three topics:
    I. The future energy system
    II. Security of supply and
    III. Changes for end-consumers

The information gathered and summarized on this webpage has been compiled by:
Prof. Dr. Hannes Weigt (University Basel),
Dr. Christian Schaffner and Dr. Rebecca Lordan-Perret (ESC, ETH Zurich)
Prof. Dr. Philippe Thalmann (EPFL)
Dr. Frank Vöhringer, Wolfgang Knoke (Econability)

We are thankful to colleagues from the Universities of Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lucerne, Neuchatel, and St. Gallen, the ETHZ, EPFL, Empa and the ZHAW for helpful comments and critical feedback. All remaining errors are our own.



Prof. Dr. Hannes Weigt

Universität Basel

Peter Merian-Weg 6

4052 Basel